Saturday, March 1, 2014

Deflation is not affordable....

1. Deflation makes money worth more and all the rest worth less.That includes labor, which is the commodity that most Americans rely on in the marketplace. Deflation is thus a wealth transfer from those that don’t have money to those that do. About 50% of Americans own zero net assets.It is fair to say that only a very small percentage of Americans will profit from this wealth transfer.

2. Deflation makes debts and the interest payed over them worth more.It is very bad for Government, which owes $15 trillion.
3. Prices decline because demand is crashing. Demand is crashing because the money supply is contracting and that is a very serious problem indeed. Deflation hinders economic growth. Inflation has the opposite effect: people dump cash and this supports economic growth. That’s why contractions are usually deflationary, while booms are usually inflationary.

me - @ this time of high debt levels and income/wealth inequality concern......... Deflation is not afforable.

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