Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Stan Druckenmiller - 20% of his portfolio now in GOLD

So why has Druckenmiller gone so aggressively into gold at this particular time?
Fortunately, he was kind enough to basically tip his hand when he gave a speech during Q2 to some high-end investors in which he said the following:
“Our monetary policy is so much more reckless and so much more aggressively pushing the people in this room and everybody else out the risk curve that we’re doubling down on the same policy that really put us [in the 2008 financial crisis] and enabled those bad actors to do what they do. Now, no matter what you want to say about them, if we had had 5% or 6% interest rates, it would have never happened, because they couldn’t have gotten the money to do it.
This is crazy stuff we’re doing. So I would say you have to be on alert to that ending badly. Is it for sure going to end badly? Not necessarily. I don’t quite know how we get out of this, but it’s possible.”
It seems Mr. Druckenmiller believes that this unprecedented stretch of miniscule interest rates that the central bankers around the world have cooked up has created the potential for a major financial disaster.

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